We began our Ascham School year on Tuesday with a very special Welcome to Country followed by a smoking ceremony, as part of our Senior School and Fiona (Years 3 to 6) assemblies.

We were honoured to host Aunty Maxine Ryan and David Johnson from Gujaga Foundation. Aunty Maxine gave us all a very warm Welcome to Country to herald in the new year, extending our understanding of and connection to this land on which our School is built.

After each assembly, David explained the significance of the smoking ceremony in marking important occasions as he lit a fire in the coolamon and the eucalyptus leaves smouldered. Students and staff walked through the smoke, which cleansed us and united as a school community, ready for another year together.

We thank Aunty Maxine and David for coming to campus, welcoming us once again to Gadigal Land, and for generously sharing their cultural knowledge, stories and ritual with us.

2 Feb 2024

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