Ensuring our future
Planning for the future and documenting our approach.
Strategic Planning
Ascham has long held a place as a leader in high quality girls’ education, and remains firmly committed to continuing on this path.
While we can celebrate the successes of the past and present, it’s important that we also have a clear vision for our future, a roadmap for documenting how our girls and the School will live and thrive. We review and formalise this roadmap every five years, in the shape of our Strategic Plan, setting out our focus and priorities and how we will execute them accordingly.
Our new Strategic Plan, ‘Towards 2030’, launches in January 2023 and will set out our commitments and priorities, aligned with our values and ethos within the Dalton framework. We’re excited to share it with you.
Committees and task forces
While our School Council has overwatch for the operation of the School, we also run several separate Council committees, each focusing on a specific area. Council Governors sit on these formal Committees, and will meet about four times a year:
Chaired by the Honorary Treasurer, Mr Harvey Carter.
This Committee has non-executive responsibility to the Council for overseeing all areas of financial and risk management, investment strategies, budget preparation and management, capital works programs, financial statements including annual report preparation, internal control systems and internal and external audit. It supervises the preparation of the School’s budget for submission to the Council and monitors performance against the budget.
Chaired by Mrs Angela Kent.
This Committee works with the Head of School and School Council to identify optimal current and future use of the School’s built environment. The Committee recommends appointment of external consultants, reports to Council on capital works budget and contract administration, oversees briefing and terms of engagement of building consultants, assesses potential property acquisitions, oversees significant construction jointly with a member of the School executive and provides appropriate advice and recommendations to Council.
Chaired by Mrs Nicola Swift.
The Nominations Committee develops policies and strategies for managing Company and Council membership, nominates and reviews candidates and recommends potential Governors and Company Members for Council approval.
Special task forces are formed to provide additional support to the Head of School where detailed research is required and Governors can contribute relevant expertise.
School policies
Ascham operates successfully and efficiently by adhering strictly to a range of policies and procedures. From safety and security, to privacy and respecting our School values, we ensure all aspects of the School are documented and followed closely.
Our Child Safe Policy demonstrates the strong commitment of the School to child safety, and aims to keep our students safe, including from abuse or other harm.
The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidelines and processes to prospective parents seeking enrolment at Ascham School.
This procedure applies to Ascham in handling complaints made in respect of services provided by the School or against staff members, which includes employees, contractors and volunteers. This procedure does not extend to personal grievances between parents, guardians or other members of the School community.
The Privacy Policy details how we protect your privacy and how we comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act and the 13 Australian Privacy Principles, as well as the requirements of the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW).
Complaints about “child safety incidents or concerns” that are alleged to have occurred on School premises or at School events are managed in a different way to other complaints received by the School.
This policy applies to Ascham to ensure individuals who disclose wrongdoing in relation to the School can do so safely, securely and with confidence that they will be protected and supported.
The social media policy provides a framework and guideline for students, members of staff and employees, parents and guardians, and third-party contractors, for the appropriate use of social media at Ascham, to ensure duty of care.
Places at Ascham are offered at the discretion of the Head of School, and only after the prospective Student and her Parents or Guardians have attended an interview with the Head of School.
Ascham seeks to develop a culture of positive discipline by setting clear expectations of students and encouraging positive behaviour.
DownloadBullying is not tolerated at Ascham, and we recognise our duty to students to provide a safe and positive learning environment.
DownloadPastoral care is the support given to students for their development as a person. It relates to the total care of students and involves tending to both the academic and non-academic needs of girls, including their spiritual, emotional and social wellbeing.
Payments made to Ascham, Ascham Parents’ Association, Ascham Old Girls’ Union and Ascham Foundation are not refundable unless this is specifically indicated in relation to a particular activity. For more information, please email Ascham School Finance Department.
When making payment to Ascham, Ascham Parents’ Association, Ascham Old Girls’ Union and Ascham Foundation, your financial details are processed through a Westpac Bank secure server using the latest 128-bit SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption technology. 128-bit SSL encryption is the industry standard. If you have any questions regarding our security policy, please email the School.
Ascham transactions are in Australian dollars (AUD) and include GST (Goods and Services tax) where applicable.