A carefully curated historical record

The Ascham Archives

Ascham’s historical record is rich with fascinating artefacts and unique memories, including photographs, memorabilia, personal papers and other documents.

A mine of information and memories

Ascham’s historical record is a unique and fascinating collection of items, all of which have been given generously by former students, parents, staff and wider families and are carefully preserved and curated so that current and future generations can enjoy them.

The Archives

The Ascham Archives holds collections drawn from both the official records of the School and donations received from the School community and includes:

  • Paper records including the School Admission Register dating from 1902; Headmistresses’ Annual Reports dating from 1915; Council Minutes from Ascham’s incorporation in 1937; Prize lists dating from 1900; papers of the Old Girls’ Union from 1915 to present.
  • Publications including Charivari, the school magazine, from April 1903; Ascham Old Girls’ Magazine (formerly Newsheet) 1943 to present; weekly newsletters and student newspapers.
  • A photographic collection dating from 1895.
  • A book collection including a fine collection of early edition Victorian novels; Miss Margaret Bailey’s personal library; prize books dating from 1887; books about Ascham and its alumni.
  • A uniform collection dating from the 1920s, with replicas of the first uniform introduced in 1895.
  • Memorabilia and museum artefacts, dating from the 19th century.
  • A cartographic collection including building plans dating from the 19th century.
  • An audio-visual collection including film, sound, video and digital recordings.

The Octagon

The Octagon is a Georgian watchtower built in 1832 and the oldest building in Darling Point, and it houses the archives’ office and part of the Ascham collection. There is also a small teaching museum on the second floor.

It stands on land that formed part of the original Glenrock estate, first settled by the Smith family in the early 1830s.

Research and donations

The Ascham Archives are managed by a professional archivist who can be contacted by phone (02 8356 7049) or email regarding donation and general reference enquiries. The Archives are open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays throughout the year.

Note that permission to conduct research leading to publication should be sought in writing to the Head of School beforehand.

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