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The Partnership: Dalton and Boarding

Moving from a small country school to board at a new school in Sydney is an enormous step for a 12 year old.

1 Nov 2022


Circling Back to Dalton

Two young Ascham Old Girls, Kate Stanton (2013) and Emma Verdicchio (2016), have loved the opportunity to return to Ascham this year as prac teachers.

1 Nov 2022


Uncertainty vs Certainty

Is there room for uncertainty in the Dalton Study? I believe there is, and there should be. However, too much uncertainty can be frustrating for some students.

1 Nov 2022


Mrs Lumsdaine Reflects

Curiosity led me to research the Dalton Plan and then its implementation at Ascham School.

1 Nov 2022


The Joy Is the Study!

‘The joy of teaching Dalton is the Study,’ says Frau Sydenham, Ascham German teacher of 38 years who has taught several thousand students during her time.

Dalton Flourishes at Ascham

There is a rich history behind the Dalton Plan’s ongoing success at Ascham, and the application of its four pillars has benefited generations of Ascham girls for over 100 years.

21 Jul 2022

Dalton is embedded into the curriculum right from the start at Ascham, and its four pillars are actively encouraged throughout the day.

Agile, Flexible Experts

To be a Dalton teacher is to be an agile thinker, an expert in their field and flexible in their approach.

21 Jul 2022


Thriving With Dalton

What does it mean to thrive academically? For the teacher, the aim is for students to remain positive about their progress and be empowered to continue learning.