Ascham Ngara Commitment

At Ascham, we have created and made a commitment to reconciliation in a way that calls on our School community to listen, learn and grow together. This is our Ascham Ngara Commitment and we acknowledge that we are just at the beginning of an ongoing journey.

In October, we proudly launched the Ascham Ngara Commitment to our community and beyond.

Ngara is a Gadigal word encompassing the value of learning.

We compassionately acknowledge the pain and anguish faced by our First Nations people, and celebrate the triumph of remaining culturally significant and influential in contemporary Australia. We strive to grow a community of deeply aware and brave thought leaders who will boldly contribute to the Australian story of reconciliation with our First Nations people.

We have adopted a framework to guide our work inside and outside the classroom, and within the wider Ascham community, to become a culturally responsive school that is focused on contributing to a nation in which all people and cultures can thrive.

How will we do this? In many different ways.

Inside the classroom

By building and maintaining culturally safe, aware and responsive classrooms and curriculum; developing workshops that foreground First Nations peoples’ spirituality and culture for students and teachers; promoting national days of significance; hosting First Nations teachers and prac students; and more.

Outside the classroom

By providing pathways to guide students through the layers of First Nations knowledge and perspectives; designing and implementing NESA-accredited professional learning courses and cultural competence induction for staff; establishing annual First Nations artist/person-in-residence programs; increasing First Nations perspectives and representation across all aspects of the School; and more.

With the community

By continuing to promote and grow our Ngara Fund and Scholarship program; maintaining sustainable and authentic partnerships with Gadigal people; embedding Welcome or Acknowledgement to Country at significant events and in a respectful environment; adding to our cultural visualisations (art, sculptures, gardens and displays) around campus; maintaining annual celebrations of National Reconciliation Week and collaborating on other whole-School reconciliation projects; and more.

Read our Ascham Ngara Commitment in full here.

11 Oct 2022

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