Embarking on a new school year is a significant milestone, especially for our youngest students entering Prep and Kindergarten. This moment represents their first foray into formal education and the start of an exciting new learning journey.
Visiting Prep and the Kindergarten classrooms never fails to fill me with joy. Watching our students settle into their new learning environments showcases the significant cognitive, social and emotional development that takes place during this time. Each day offers novel learning experiences, and every moment ignites curiosity and wonder.
In these early days, Prep and Kindergarten students are introduced to daily routines and rituals that foster the development of important socio-emotional skills. As the girls interact with their peers, they are forging new friendships, sharing stories and, importantly, cultivating a sense of belonging that is linked to positive academic and wellbeing outcomes.
The Dalton principles of collaboration, independence, responsibility and reflection are nurtured from the moment the girls enter both Prep and Kindergarten. With each passing day, the students are assuming greater ownership of their learning journey as they are supported to demonstrate responsibility and independence. Through thoughtfully structured learning tasks, they are practising how to work cooperatively, exchange ideas and show respect for diverse viewpoints. Guided activities embedded into daily routines are encouraging students to reflect upon their learning, assess their progress and set personal goals.
The initial weeks of Prep and Kindergarten are not without challenges, as students experience new routines and expectations. From managing personal belongings to learning to share and take turns, there are many new skills to master and obstacles to overcome. However, within these challenges lie abundant opportunities for growth and development. It is during these times that the partnership between home and school is particularly important. The habits and attitudes cultivated during this crucial period play an important role in fostering academic buoyancy. By equipping students not only with effective strategies but also with the mindset to navigate setbacks and challenges inherent in school life, we are preparing them for success in the years ahead.
Prep and Kindergarten are years of great exploration, discovery and growth that lay the groundwork for a lifetime love of learning. These are early days in the students’ schooling but incredibly special ones. As I watch these young learners embark on their journey, I cannot help but envision the extraordinary futures that await them.
Ms Peta Howley
Head of Junior School