IPSHA Social Action Expo

On Wednesday 10 August, our wonderful Ambassadors for Ascham and SchoolAid, Henrietta and Daphne, presented at the IPSHA Social Action Expo at The King’s School. It was an excellent day where around 150 students and teachers from IPSHA NSW schools learnt about the philanthropic endeavours of various organisations and schools.

Henrietta and Daphne are part of the SchoolAid Kids Ambassador Team (KAT) and they spoke very well along with other members of KAT about the importance of social actions in supporting others. They reminded attendees that ‘research tells us that when people give their time, talents and skills or money to others, they are happier.’

During the second half of the day, schools presented about their own initiatives and charitable projects. Many ideas were shared and everyone felt inspired by what they saw and heard.

Henrietta and Daphne presented on previous Ascham campaigns and also plans for their new project, in order to raise awareness and funds for Regional Education Support Network (RESN). RESN is a not-for-profit student network that offers rural and regional students free educational support, such as tutoring, mentoring, and access to study resources.

RESN’s goal is ‘to empower regional students to take control of their future through our educational network of schools, tutors and communities’. You can read more about the work of RESN here.

We look forward to Henrietta and Daphne’s new campaign!

18 Aug 2022

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